The norm and what I hate about it…uggg; where to begin? There is no clear thought in my mind as to whether the average man is really seeking the average life, or if he is seeking more or even possibly less than said normal life. I am not speaking in terms of some spiritual or spirituality concept or the like, (with fingers in Mr. Burns form) I am speaking purely in terms of ‘everyone says X is so good, so X must be awesome.’
For the longest time as a kid I heard people rave about DMB. The lunacy eventually became so rancid that I had to kill myself.
The End.
Okay, that was a minor bluff on the suicide bit; but hardly an understatement. Everywhere I turned my ear I heard satellites and two-stepping…life was in a state. Eventually, as per usual, the hysteria wore off and people began to feel their lips again, I believe many people felt the scars from constant biting while under the anesthetic. Note, DMB did not fade into the west, but the tide had turned. About this time or soon thereafter I happened to win an event at Younglife. I do not recall the specifics but if I have to have a game I will imagine in involved a tarp, ice cream, water noodles, and a strobe light. The treasure I was granted for being the greatest tarp-rolling, noodle-battling, ice cream-eating, strobe light-dealing athlete was Crash, and not the film…don’t get me started on ‘the norm’ and Crash the film…you don’t have the bandwidth, and I am already 27, so I haven’t the time.
I made a face like this (only much more angry, scoffing, and resentful) when I looked at the CD.

It probably could have been (insert your least favorite album every recorded here) and I would have been more receptive. Sigh…if only iTunes had existed and I had been gifted a gift card…I would not be writing this now, you would not be wasting your time reading it…(I need to stay on track here) Begrudgingly I jammed the CD into my overly generous pocket and skulked back to my respective seat on the floor amidst a shower of congratulatory cheers from my peers; double-ugggg.
Now my point is this, after months of sitting on my shelf, I finally did put the CD in and listen to the set. Much to my shagrin it was quite good, I actually found myself liking a handful of the tunes. This brings me to the larger point, the largest point of this minute drivel.
The iPhone, seems to be my own personal next DMB. There are differences and I would be remiss if I did not spell them out to get the full-bodied aroma this thought is due. (had too, sorry) Since the iPhone was introduced I have wanted it. It is all that is functional in my ridiculously, stupid techie mind. (note: I chase ‘cool’ too, I just call it ‘functional’ etc.) Then there was the overflowing of people buying it; this brought on the aforementioned general DMB aura. The mad DMB influenza is a close relative of the iPhone influenza, or visa-versa, I am not certain of the proper genealogy of influenza as it relates (or inter-relates) to music and or technology. With the inflation of iPhone’s ego, I found it less and less palatable, like his brother Dave.
My issue is this, I never yearned for Dave…(that is not a dangling sentence I ever thought I would type) But, I do yearn for the iPhone. GPS, web, talking, texting (not that I do it), music, pics, etc…it just goes on and on…if you are reading a blog; you more than likely know the functionality and interface attractions all to well. Yet, in wanting an iPhone I become one of them, and I hate them.
I mean seem to have developed ‘iHate,’ apparently macs are not as impervious to viruses as once thought.
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