I am wearing green socks right now. They are short ones. They barely cover the little nubs on my ankles. Are those actually my ankles??? What is the ankle? I thought it was kind of the composite whole of where one’s foot meets one’s leg…? Maybe I am wrong. I only make it through two semesters worth of chemistry on my way to becoming a doctor…that is old news…
Anyhow. So these green socks are splendid indeed.
About 5 minutes ago I sat down to indulge myself in a long bath after a very rough day of work. I had to go in early, then I ended up staying late to clean up others messes. Upon arriving home I wrote a check for my December assessments, then I wrote a check for my electric bill. I always turn off lights and electronics I don’t need, you are not as good at doing so… I in find myself following you around shutting off things you have just utilized---but I digress.
Anyhow, after the check writing and bill paying, I open a fresh bottle of wine, made a sandwich, (French bread, muenster cheese, and Genoa salami)(1) drew a delicious bath, lit a candle and some incense, then proceeded to indulge in a soak. I had take all of two bites into my sandwich and one savory taste of my wine when the cell rang… "why take a cell to the bath tub…?” good question. It was you. You were calling to chat. I did not answer it, for the following reasons, I was naked and in the bath which tends to make me feel vulnerable, I was eating a sandwich, and I my bathroom has hard, tile walls so there is no doubt that you would have said, “where are you, it sounds really funny?” and I would have had to explain the situation to you, and frankly, I was out of gas for the day. Furthermore, to do said activity would have been---what is the word I am looking for here…awkward(?) or awkward’s stronger, older brother. sorry.
Carrying on here. I had just finished my sandwich and my first glass of wine, washing it all down with a cool glass of water…when I began to make a little poem in my head. I was saying something along the lines of a guy sitting in a room filled with smoke and steam, with warm rain falling on his head, while having a cup of wine. Very standard stuff, I am certain most people think if such things while enjoying a bower(2). It was just about this point when I leaned forward to bump the temperature up on my water supply. One is no doubt familiar with the turtle (or is a frog?) in the pot of water, as the temperature is increased, he does not see it and suddenly finds himself cooked---while I do have similar characteristics to a turtle, for example my hard, exterior shell; my keen sense of water temperature is not a shared trait with my tortoise sibling. At any rate, as I continued to ‘pour on the gas’ as my grandfather would say, it would seem that I was fighting a losing battle. The more I twisted the handle, the cooler the water became, mind you, at one glass of wine, I can not blame the drink for this malady, we had simply run out of warm water in my building. THINK OF IT!!! Sitting there, a small pool of luke warm water surrounding me, stomach content with delicious sustenance, candle and incense present, and NO WARM WATER. I bid the shower good day, got out and dressed myself. It was somewhere near this point in time that I became aware that I had not taken your call, only to be frozen out of a perfectly good shower…this made me doubly upset.
All is well now, I sat down to pen this note, which save the cold water, may never have happened…maybe all things do work together for good…according to His riches and mercy.
1please don’t think I am so simple minded. While I am a creature of habit, I am also a creature of means…if I have muenster, salami, and French bread, I have a sandwich. Nothing more, nothing less.
2bower is a bath-shower as you know. But do to common day phonetics, one could, inadvertently pronounce it BOW-er, with a long O, it is not as such. It is spoken as the name Bauer, as in Jack Bauer.
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